David Azcona
Applied Scientist - david.azcona@zalando.ie
Postdoctoral Researcher - david.azcona@dcu.ie
Fulbright Visiting scholar - david.azcona@asu.edu

2018 Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)

In March 2018, I attended the 8th. International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge in Sydney, Australia. I presented a joint workshop paper with Dr.Sharon Hsiao, Assistant Professor at ASU’s School of Computing, and that extended paper has been accepted to International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (ijAIED). It was a great experience where I met incredible researchers doing really impressive work in a great environment.

In addition, I am organising a workshop in the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2018) to further explore Computer Science Educational Data Mining (CSEDM 2018) in conjunction with other researchers from Arizona State University, Carnegie Mellon University or ACT. Check out our site: https://sites.google.com/asu.edu/csedm-ws-edm-2018

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