David Azcona
Applied Scientist - david.azcona@zalando.ie
Postdoctoral Researcher - david.azcona@dcu.ie
Fulbright Visiting scholar - david.azcona@asu.edu

Best at Predicting Media Memorability using Computer Vision

I am so pleased to see we performed so well in Predicting Media Memorability at MultimediaEval Benchmarking.

We improved state-of-the-art and scored a best-in-class value of 0.528 at short-term memorability. Super interesting challenge and very well organized!

Check out my code at https://github.com/dazcona/memorability, our slides and our paper

This is super ... we now use machine learning to predict short-term memorability (several hours) of video clips based on content, composition, aesthetics, emotions, etc. We're now in a position to start asking WHY a video is more or less memorable than another @insight_centre

— Alan Smeaton (@asmeaton) November 1, 2019

Pleased to see we performed so well in Predicting Media Memorability at @MultimediaEval Benchmarking, improving SOTA and scoring a best-in-class value of 0.528 at short-term memorability. Super interesting challenge and well organized! Check out my code https://t.co/XF8uSbhf5p pic.twitter.com/JMBxyUyuQt

— David Azcona (@dazconap) October 30, 2019

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